Auto Reply Pro for Gmail / Gsuite

Set your Email Responses on Auto Pilot by setting preset emails to trigger on predefined conditions from your Gmail / G-suite MailBox!
Auto Reply for Gmail, Auto response for Gmail, Out of office Gmail, Auto Reply with attachments
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Auto Reply Pro’s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

  • Be more productive, identify repetitive emails. Set multiple rules that trigger in stack order, automated email responses for meeting the conditions.
  • Fetch email addresses from body content, most of us receive form submissions from multiple sources. Now send auto responses to email addresses submitted in form submissions from the mail body content.
  • Send Auto Replies with Attachments from Gmail / GSuite. Not just "To" the recipient, but to people "CC","BCC"ed in the original mail. Enable auto responses for Alias accounts.
  • Set Auto Response to be automatically CC'ed , BCC'ed to specified email addresses. Set custom Reply to address for Auto Responses. Create an exception list, add domain or email addresses to whom not to send Auto Responses.
  • Decrease turnaround times by sending relevant information to repetitive customer queries, improve customer ratings by responding with relevant info in time.
  • Not just Auto Responses, create Automated Follow-ups to reach out to your customers at predefined intervals and steps. Follow-ups can be set to automatically stop if a response is received on that mail thread.
  • Create Custom Multiple Out of Office Responders in Gmail. Automatically turn on / off Out of Office at specific time frames.

Approved by Google

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Safe & Secure

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150,000+ users

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Why Choose Auto Reply Pro?

  Auto Reply Pro for Gmail Gsuite Gmail Gsuite filters
Send Auto Reply with Attachments
Send Auto Reply by fetching email addresses in emails body content.
Send Auto Reply to all. (Contacts “CC’ed” on the mail as well.)
Rules are Triggered in Stack order
Set Multiple Custom Out of Office for different groups
Automatically turn on & off Out of office Responders, based on set time / calendar events
Assign Automated Follow up responses, to be sent at predefined intervals.
Intelligent follow ups, pause when a response is received.
Send Auto Responses on labeled emails, helps integrate with third party apps like Zapier etc.
Send unique auto responses for incoming mails and Send from settings for Alias Mail  accounts.
Set exception list, add email address and domain for which Auto responses should not be sent.
You can set the auto responses to be CC’ed , BCC’ed  to other email accounts.
Create Multiple rules that run in stack order, with multiple action support : send mail, apply label.
Send as you, no more auto created address.


Benefits of using Auto Reply Pro for Gmail & Gsuite!

Improve your productivity and reduce your email response time!

If you do a quick analysis of your emails with in your inbox , you will discover an emerging pattern. Usually users notice that 30-40% of emails are from different individuals  seeking the same information. All of these have something common, “same keywords”. All these emails could be answered with a nicely written template which addresses the questions in detail and provides quick information on the subject.


Now the big question; What if, you could set some rules to respond to these emails automatically with prewritten email templates? What if the same emails meet conditions set under two different auto response rule? How to avoid multiple auto responses to the same user? How to add and send attachments to Auto Response templates for Gmail? How to auto turn on / off auto responders at specific time/ days? How to setup multiple custom out of office responders? We looked at the existing methods and worked on a different approach which addressed all of these above questions and came up with this handy little Add-on Auto Reply Pro. So far, we have received lots of love and praises!


We are also open to and receptive to feedback, as we wish to make this add-on something that truly gets you the best results.

Reduce work load improve customer satisfaction gmail gsuite

Get more done, Improve response times and customer satisfaction!

The faster you respond to customer questions, the better the chances they will choose you over competition or recommend you to friends. But keep in mind if a reply doesn’t add value to the email conversation, it will impact the satisfaction ratings. This is the case with basic auto-reply features available in email clients. That is one reason why Auto Reply Pro is designed to work in stack order of complex to simpler conditions. If an incoming mail meets the complex condition, the customer is sent an auto-response precisely formatted to add value to the conversation, and that too instantly. That helps build trust in your brand and service.


It also helps to give you more time to answer and focus on emails that need a more personalised response. All the easy and basic repetitive information requests are quickly handled and attended by conditional intelligent auto-responses. It doesn’t even matter if you are in front or away from your inbox. Auto Reply Pro will take care of it for you.


Auto responses are also helpful to handle seasonal, promotional events and festive workload spikes. As most of the repetitive emails are answered and attended to with auto-responses. It gives small businesses and teams the flexibility to handle any sudden spikes in customer requests.

Automated Follow ups in Gmail Gsuite

The Secret of all successful businesses, personalized follow-ups; now automated!

All successful businesses not only use auto-responses but have another secret to their success. Timely Followups, nothing impresses a potential client more than a timely follow-up by firms trying to engage and gauge, what’s on the client’s mind. Timely follow-ups are a major contributor to successful business help convert a nay deal to a yay deal.


Auto Reply Pro, not only allows you to set automated responses in Gmail. It allows you to set automated multi-step follow-ups with time delays. On top of it, the follow-ups are smart enough to stop automatically, when a response is received. You can choose the next step for it to follow, you may choose to continue sending the rest of the steps or take control of things from here.


This feature is very helpful to save you time, by automating the initial follow-ups with clients, till a response to your request is received. Our Clients have reported 60% times savings due to this and just love this feature.

Custom Out of office Vacation responders Gmail Gsuite

Send custom Out of office to colleagues and customers, Now possible!

We all have wished if we had an option to set a more personalized set of out-of-office / vacation responders for our colleagues and customers.
Let’s say we wish to tell our colleagues, this is the date I am returning and for basic customer queries just send an out of office, in case a customer needs urgent help, they receive a custom message with alternate relationship contact or a colleague how is uncharge while you are away.


Now never worry about leaving the Out of office/ Vacation Responders turned on by mistake!


Set your automated rules for Out-of-office responders to turn on or off automatically at set times or events set in your calendar. Worry no more about leaving the Out of office turnedon on by mistake, even though you have returned to office hours ago. Similarly set once and forget as it turns on and off as you leave office and return to office as per your set schedule. No need to stress yourself out for this basic task daily.

What our Clients say?

I was looking for a Auto Reply Solution for Gmail as it lags in that area and this came at just the right time!  The Add-on is actually pretty good.

Max Baro

A very thought through App, covers almost everything that was missing in Gmail when it comes to Auto Replies. Qudos! Keep it up! 

Patric Rathmann

Has a very short learning curve and simple to use. set up my Auto Responses in minutes, it has saved me a lot of time. Go for it, will surely recommend!!

Bruce Markell

Purchase A Premium Plan!

If you are a NonProfit Organisation or Educational user/institution, Please contact us for special discounted prices at help (at)
For Gsuite Users
For Gmail / Legacy Free Gsuite users
Auto Responder for Quote Request message

Single User License

  Free Lite Pro Ultimate
  ⦿ Email Response Send Limit For 7 days trial No Limit! *
Later 50 email responses per month
500 email responses
per month
No Limit* No Limit*
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Rules 1 5 10 20
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Follow ups 1 5 10 20
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Steps in Follow ups 2 5 5 10
   US$ 9
Free Basic Use
 US$ 39
US$29 / per year
 US$ 59
US$39 / per year
 US$ 89
US$49 / per year
  Install Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

* Maximum emails send rate as per allowed by Google for your account.

Multi User Domain License

  10 User Pack 20 User Pack 50 User Pack 100 User Pack
  ⦿ Email Response Send Limit No Limit* No Limit* No Limit* No Limit*
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Rules 20 per user 20 per user 20 per user 20 per user
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Follow ups 20 per user 20 per user 20 per user 20 per user
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Steps in Follow ups 10 10 10 10
   US$ 299
US$199 / per year
For 10 Users
 US$ 499
US$299 / per year
For 20 Users
 US$ 1099
US$599 / per year
For 50 Users
 US$ 1999
US$999 / per year
For 100 Users
  Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

For bigger teams, please contact us for pricing : help (at)


Single User License

  Free Lite Pro
  ⦿ Email Response Send Limit For 7 days trial No Limit! *
Later 50 email responses per month
500 email responses
per month
No Limit*
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Rules 1 5 10
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Follow ups 1 5 10
  ⦿ Allowed Number of Steps in Follow ups 2 5 5
   US$ 9
Now Free
 US$ 39
US$29 / per year
 US$ 59
US$39 / per year
  Install Buy Now Buy Now

* Maximum emails send rate as per allowed by Google for your account.

Auto Responder for Quote Request Message

Free Monthly Plan Annual Plan (save 22%)
*UNLIMITED Email Responses *UNLIMITED Email Responses *UNLIMITED Email Responses
Create 1 Auto Responder

Create 10 Auto Responders
Supports up to 2 business locations.

Have more business locations? Contact for special price for Small Business

Create 10 Auto Responders
Supports up to 2 business locations.
24×7 Support 24×7 Support 24×7 Support
Try for 7 days!
Improve your Response Time on Quote Requests messages from services like Google Local Business, Yelp 
US$99 $89 / per month US$990 $890 / per year.
Install & Try Now Buy Now Buy Now

* Maximum emails send rate as per allowed by Google for your account.

BitQueues Software

At BitQueues, we’re passionate about developing simplistic, beautifully designed, time-saving apps loved by our users spanning over 81 countries worldwide.

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